Advanced Cleaning
Systems has cleaned hundreds of draperies and curtains over the years.
We offer complete on-site cleaning or take down and re-hang service
for custom draperies and top treatments to be cleaned in plant or on
site cleaning of decorative pieces.
Scheduled appointment time for
on-site cleaning or take down.
Thorough cleaning and deodorizing using our completely solvent free
Hand finishing and sizing of materials.
No shrinkage or fabric damage guaranteed!
Full length delivery of pleated draperies means no unsightly hanger
Complete reinstallation and inspection.
Call Advanced Cleaning Systems today to schedule your free home drapery
inspection and written estimate.
We strongly recommend on-site cleaning. If on-site cleaning is not
possible we recommend allowing us to take down and re-hand for a couple
of reasons:
Those draperies are tougher to get back up than they look
Some wrinkling is bound to occur as the draperies will have to
be folded and banded over a seven inch hanger as opposed to being
delivered full length by us.